Monday, March 21, 2011

What if....?

       I am a bit of dreamer, I guess, because I like to ponder the Utopian school.  I do a lot of "what if" thinking just to imagine what could be if all of these ideas became reality.  Try it. 

What if...
  • an administrator could not make more than the highest paid teacher?  First, teachers would not have to leave the classroom to make more money.  Second, only those who are "called" to lead would even attempt to reach principal status.
  • teachers could take a basic curriculum and turn it into his/her own masterpiece?  Teacher morale would be at an all-time high which would directly affect the attitude the students would have toward the subject matter.  Excitement is very contagious!
  • school board members actually took the time to visit with students, teachers, parents, and other community members?  Everyone might actually begin to understand what really goes on in schools or what is possible.
  • parents turned out in droves to discuss curriculum and homework?  I dream of the day that a parent addresses the school board about what their children are learning - or not learning.
  • students graduated culturally literate and truly college- or workforce ready?  A REAL education is the great equalizer, and every kid deserves a shot at life no matter what their circumstances.
  • the truly creative teachers were rewarded for trying innovative techniques instead of just following a scripted curriculum?  Maybe some of the money saved on administrative costs could be used to reward these teachers.
  • principals were in charge of calling subs themselves?  Few teachers would call in just if they are having the blues, and principals would actually know what is going on in the lives of their teachers. 
  • teachers were in charge of writing curriculum again?  Teachers would gain the depth of knowledge necessary to become a master teacher.  If all they use is a canned curriculum, then they have no incentive or need for gaining more knowledge.  Programs like C-SCOPE are the educational welfare system that allows teachers to grow lazy.
  • principals and department chairpersons or lead teachers actually ran the school?  Think of the savings! Imagine the buy-in, especially if the lead teachers used the ideas generated in their departments?
  • every school board member and administrator substituted at least once per six weeks?  They would actually get a feel for what is going on in the typical classroom today.
  • every professional ball player and actor made a substantial contribution to a school?  This would show everyone that education is important.  And they might even inspire others to give.
      What would you add?  Post your "what if" ideas in the comments box below.  

1 comment:

  1. Wow! What if? I am not a teacher but worked in a Junior High setting for 10 years and I am married to an Educator. Before working at a School I truly did not know what all is involved and thought what an easy job my husband had. I never thought of the frustration he may have had with his job trying to reach his students until, I as a nurse, was put in a position where I had to teach Adult patients for a week to do their own dialysis. At the end of the week my patient still was not getting it and I was thinking; What could I do to get through to this patient? I came home and told my husband that I was so frustrated that this women was just not getting what I had taught her. My husband replied: Well, Welcome to the World of Teaching! At that moment I totally understood what these teachers and my husband went through doing their profession.

    I think School Board members need to go into the class room as well as parents to see what our teachers do on daily basis. Even if our Board Members were in class room one day a week they will still not get the full impact of what teachers do.


I have adjusted the settings on the comments to allow you to comment without having a Google account. If this still does not work, I will call one of my former students who can help me out.